Martin Matin

The 52-episode animated series "the Morning of Martin" tells a funny little story about the little boy Martin. The cute and naughty little Martin is very good friends with Guo Mo and Rona. A series of colorful adventures took place between them. Every morning when Martin wakes up, he is given a new role, and then all sorts of unusual things happen. The thrilling and tense storyline, coupled with funny and humorous characters, give the children waiting by the TV set the wings of imagination, leaving endless reverie. "Martin's Morning" is an animated film jointly invested by Shanghai Today Animation Film and Television production Co., Ltd. and French cartoon animation company. It was first broadcast on CCTV on February 17, 2004.

The 52-episode animated series "the Morning of Martin" tells a funny little story about the little boy Martin. The cute and naughty little Martin is very good friends with Guo Mo and Rona. A series of colorful adventures took place between them. Every morning when Martin wakes up, he is given a new role, and then all sorts of unusual things happen. The thrilling and tense storyline, coupled with funny and humorous characters, give the children waiting by the TV set the wings of imagination, leaving endless reverie. "Martin's Morning" is an animated film jointly invested by Shanghai Today Animation Film and Television production Co., Ltd. and French cartoon animation company. It was first broadcast on CCTV on February 17, 2004.

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