Massacre in Nanjing

Massacre in Nanjing (1987)

1h 40m | Plot, History | China

In 1937, Japan brazenly launched a war of aggression against China, and the land of China was suddenly filled with smoke and sorrow. On December 13, the Japanese army invaded Nanjing City and immediately launched an inhumane massacre. In an injured hospital, Chinese doctor Zhan Tao (Zhai Naishe) despite death threats and struggles to rescue the injured. Soon, the Japanese army blatantly trampled on international conventions, wantonly invaded the safe area where the International Red Cross was located, and massacred the helpless wounded and soldiers. Zhan Tao saw the tragedies with his own eyes, and he was filled with grief and indignation. Japanese soldier Sasaki took a set of evil photos of prominent "military exploits" and were handed over to Zhan Tao by people in the photo studio. Zhan Tao risked his life to protect the film, threatening to expose the Japanese army's crimes to the world...

In 1937, Japan brazenly launched a war of aggression against China, and the land of China was suddenly filled with smoke and sorrow. On December 13, the Japanese army invaded Nanjing City and immediately launched an inhumane massacre. In an injured hospital, Chinese doctor Zhan Tao (Zhai Naishe) despite death threats and struggles to rescue the injured. Soon, the Japanese army blatantly trampled on international conventions, wantonly invaded the safe area where the International Red Cross was located, and massacred the helpless wounded and soldiers. Zhan Tao saw the tragedies with his own eyes, and he was filled with grief and indignation. Japanese soldier Sasaki took a set of evil photos of prominent "military exploits" and were handed over to Zhan Tao by people in the photo studio. Zhan Tao risked his life to protect the film, threatening to expose the Japanese army's crimes to the world...

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