
Metalocalypse (2006 - 2012)


The Metal Apocalypse (Metalocalypse) premiered in the United States in the summer of 2006 and is now in its third season, with the fourth season scheduled for spring 2002. The content revolves around the events around the fictional heavy metal rock troupe "Dethklok", which not only generously parodies many people's prejudices and stereotypes about heavy metal music, but also amuses some real-life heavenly groups from time to time. And not only is the plot interesting, but even the music production team has made a lot of efforts. Those who participate in the production of dubbing and soundtrack are all well-known foreign musicians, and the three soundtrack albums known as "death knell" have a high level beyond the animation OST. In this work, the death knell is one of the most popular, well-known and powerful super heavenly groups in the world. it not only has a large number of loyal fans all over the world, but even the United States gives them the power to be above the law to do whatever they want. And while they are domineering in the world, there is a secret organization lurking under the table to eliminate the evils of the world. The result will be...

The Metal Apocalypse (Metalocalypse) premiered in the United States in the summer of 2006 and is now in its third season, with the fourth season scheduled for spring 2002. The content revolves around the events around the fictional heavy metal rock troupe "Dethklok", which not only generously parodies many people's prejudices and stereotypes about heavy metal music, but also amuses some real-life heavenly groups from time to time. And not only is the plot interesting, but even the music production team has made a lot of efforts. Those who participate in the production of dubbing and soundtrack are all well-known foreign musicians, and the three soundtrack albums known as "death knell" have a high level beyond the animation OST. In this work, the death knell is one of the most popular, well-known and powerful super heavenly groups in the world. it not only has a large number of loyal fans all over the world, but even the United States gives them the power to be above the law to do whatever they want. And while they are domineering in the world, there is a secret organization lurking under the table to eliminate the evils of the world. The result will be...

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