
Minotauro (2015)

53m | | Mexico

Acclaimed Mexican-Canadian auteur Nicolás Pereda returns to the Festival with Minotaur, a pendant to his 2009 feature Juntos. Shot in the Mexico City apartment of Pereda's signature actor Gabino Rodríguez, Minotaur is an incandescent chamber piece that observes three thirtysomethings (Rodríguez, Luisa Pardo and Francisco Barreiro) as they sleep, dream, read, and receive visitor...

Acclaimed Mexican-Canadian auteur Nicolás Pereda returns to the Festival with Minotaur, a pendant to his 2009 feature Juntos. Shot in the Mexico City apartment of Pereda's signature actor Gabino Rodríguez, Minotaur is an incandescent chamber piece that observes three thirtysomethings (Rodríguez, Luisa Pardo and Francisco Barreiro) as they sleep, dream, read, and receive visitor...

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