Miracle Apples

Miracle Apples (2013)

2h 9m | Family | Japan

As his wife Miyoko (Miho Kanno) became ill under the influence of pesticides, Akira Kimura (Abelong Shi), who lives at the foot of Yamushan in Zhongjin County, Aomori County, decided to give up the working method that fruit farmers have continued for many years. Hope to cultivate pure natural apples without spraying pesticides. His decision is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and it is also regarded by the villagers as an impossible task. But once he had made a decision, he devoted himself to the study. During this period, the beauty son and his father-in-law Zhengzhi (played by Yamazaki Nu) have become his most solid spiritual and material backing. However, there is nothing to learn from the autumn rules, can only grope for progress in the constant failure, even after more than a decade of efforts, his dream has not been realized, and the original good home is also on the verge of collapse. He cries, he despairs, looking forward to a miracle. This film is based on the true deeds of fruit grower Akira Kimura.

As his wife Miyoko (Miho Kanno) became ill under the influence of pesticides, Akira Kimura (Abelong Shi), who lives at the foot of Yamushan in Zhongjin County, Aomori County, decided to give up the working method that fruit farmers have continued for many years. Hope to cultivate pure natural apples without spraying pesticides. His decision is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and it is also regarded by the villagers as an impossible task. But once he had made a decision, he devoted himself to the study. During this period, the beauty son and his father-in-law Zhengzhi (played by Yamazaki Nu) have become his most solid spiritual and material backing. However, there is nothing to learn from the autumn rules, can only grope for progress in the constant failure, even after more than a decade of efforts, his dream has not been realized, and the original good home is also on the verge of collapse. He cries, he despairs, looking forward to a miracle. This film is based on the true deeds of fruit grower Akira Kimura.