Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror (2012)

1h 46m | Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure | USA

The film tells the story of the evil queen starring Julia Roberts stealing state power, while the exiled princess regains her power with the help of seven resourceful dwarfs. Once upon a time, there was a good-looking princess named Snow White (Lily Collins), who had an evil and venomous stepmother queen (Julia Roberts). The queen is not only jealous of the beauty of Snow White, but also obsessed with the handsome Prince Charming and tries to drain his wealth and energy. however, he never thought that Prince Charming fell in love with Snow White at first sight; the bad queen immediately banished Snow White to the dark forest of crisis, and Prince Charming became her love captive because of the love potion under the Bad Queen. Snow White, who was expelled to the forest, unfortunately met a group of dwarf bandits. under the training of the bandits, she became the leader of the seven dwarf mountain thieves! The completely reformed Snow White was accidentally reunited with Prince Charming by chance, but unwilling to be oppressed by the bad queen, she decided to lead the dwarfs to attack the fortress of the evil queen, vowing to seize power and take revenge! And Snow White and the Bad Queen, who will be lucky in the end.

The film tells the story of the evil queen starring Julia Roberts stealing state power, while the exiled princess regains her power with the help of seven resourceful dwarfs. Once upon a time, there was a good-looking princess named Snow White (Lily Collins), who had an evil and venomous stepmother queen (Julia Roberts). The queen is not only jealous of the beauty of Snow White, but also obsessed with the handsome Prince Charming and tries to drain his wealth and energy. however, he never thought that Prince Charming fell in love with Snow White at first sight; the bad queen immediately banished Snow White to the dark forest of crisis, and Prince Charming became her love captive because of the love potion under the Bad Queen. Snow White, who was expelled to the forest, unfortunately met a group of dwarf bandits. under the training of the bandits, she became the leader of the seven dwarf mountain thieves! The completely reformed Snow White was accidentally reunited with Prince Charming by chance, but unwilling to be oppressed by the bad queen, she decided to lead the dwarfs to attack the fortress of the evil queen, vowing to seize power and take revenge! And Snow White and the Bad Queen, who will be lucky in the end.