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Mutiny on the Bounty

Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)

2h 58m | Romance, History, Adventure | USA

The story mainly revolves around a ship named Bunty. Bunty left the port of Portmouth for South America in 1789 on a mission to an island in Tahiti where he got a variety of fruit that looked like bread and shipped it back to England. The protagonist of the story, Fletcher Kristan, is the first mate on board. He had a strong character and was dissatisfied with Captain William Bryce's style. The captain was extremely headstrong. He not only listened to the suggestions and opinions of his subordinates, but tortured them in every way. Even drinking water was regarded as a punishment: if he did not obey him, he would not give him any water. At first, everyone was always patient in silence and dared not speak out in anger. But instead of reining in, Captain Bryce intensified the penalties and even whipped the crew who had made a mistake. The whole ship couldn't stand it any longer. So under the leadership and organization of Fletcher Kristan, they defected, exiled the captain, and then lived a heavenly life on an island in Tahiti for some time. But after all, the paper could not contain the fire, and the scandal was finally revealed. What kind of trial and punishment will these crew members face?

The story mainly revolves around a ship named Bunty. Bunty left the port of Portmouth for South America in 1789 on a mission to an island in Tahiti where he got a variety of fruit that looked like bread and shipped it back to England. The protagonist of the story, Fletcher Kristan, is the first mate on board. He had a strong character and was dissatisfied with Captain William Bryce's style. The captain was extremely headstrong. He not only listened to the suggestions and opinions of his subordinates, but tortured them in every way. Even drinking water was regarded as a punishment: if he did not obey him, he would not give him any water. At first, everyone was always patient in silence and dared not speak out in anger. But instead of reining in, Captain Bryce intensified the penalties and even whipped the crew who had made a mistake. The whole ship couldn't stand it any longer. So under the leadership and organization of Fletcher Kristan, they defected, exiled the captain, and then lived a heavenly life on an island in Tahiti for some time. But after all, the paper could not contain the fire, and the scandal was finally revealed. What kind of trial and punishment will these crew members face?