Nagi no Oitoma

Nagi no Oitoma (2019)

60m | Plot | Japan

Japan's popular comic book "calm Leisure" is about to become real. Today TBS announced that acting actress Akira Kuroki will appear in the live-action version of "calm Leisure". The protagonist of "calm Leisure" is a 28-year-old working woman who leads a stable but boring life in a Tokyo company. After waking up in a faint, she begins to reflect on her life. She decided to quit her job, dump her boyfriend, quit renting, sever all past ties and start her life all over again. Heimuhua said that the story is very interesting and he likes it very much, and she has the same personality as the heroine in real life, so she is well aware of her irritable personality. The show is currently being filmed and is scheduled to be broadcast on TBS in July.

Japan's popular comic book "calm Leisure" is about to become real. Today TBS announced that acting actress Akira Kuroki will appear in the live-action version of "calm Leisure". The protagonist of "calm Leisure" is a 28-year-old working woman who leads a stable but boring life in a Tokyo company. After waking up in a faint, she begins to reflect on her life. She decided to quit her job, dump her boyfriend, quit renting, sever all past ties and start her life all over again. Heimuhua said that the story is very interesting and he likes it very much, and she has the same personality as the heroine in real life, so she is well aware of her irritable personality. The show is currently being filmed and is scheduled to be broadcast on TBS in July.

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