
Oosaki Nana (voiced by Park Lumi), a young punk girl with musical dreams, once formed a band Black Stones with her boyfriend Hideyoshi Motochi (voiced by Hideyoshi Miguchi), good friend Takagi Takagi (voiced by Qinghisuhisa Kawahara) and Nobuo Terajima (voiced by Guan Zhiichi). The two were forced to break up after Lian was poached by the popular band Trapnest to Tokyo. After two years, Nana also decided to go to Tokyo to find Tai and Shinfu to reorganize the Black Stones and vowed to compete with Lian's Trapnest. Nai Komatsu (KAORI), an unreliable town girl who is forever immersed in her dream of falling in love, has finally had the opportunity to move to Tokyo to accompany Zhang ji after her boyfriend Akji Endo (Hiroshi Takahashi) went to Tokyo to study. Two girls with the same name pronounced "nana" met on the Shinkansen to Tokyo and coincidentally valued the same apartment, so they decided to share. Two girls with very different personalities, plus the boys of two competing bands, have been intertwined with life, dreams, love and setbacks from now on, and can no longer be separated.

Oosaki Nana (voiced by Park Lumi), a young punk girl with musical dreams, once formed a band Black Stones with her boyfriend Hideyoshi Motochi (voiced by Hideyoshi Miguchi), good friend Takagi Takagi (voiced by Qinghisuhisa Kawahara) and Nobuo Terajima (voiced by Guan Zhiichi). The two were forced to break up after Lian was poached by the popular band Trapnest to Tokyo. After two years, Nana also decided to go to Tokyo to find Tai and Shinfu to reorganize the Black Stones and vowed to compete with Lian's Trapnest. Nai Komatsu (KAORI), an unreliable town girl who is forever immersed in her dream of falling in love, has finally had the opportunity to move to Tokyo to accompany Zhang ji after her boyfriend Akji Endo (Hiroshi Takahashi) went to Tokyo to study. Two girls with the same name pronounced "nana" met on the Shinkansen to Tokyo and coincidentally valued the same apartment, so they decided to share. Two girls with very different personalities, plus the boys of two competing bands, have been intertwined with life, dreams, love and setbacks from now on, and can no longer be separated.