Neo-hui-deul-eun po-wi-dwaess-da

Neo-hui-deul-eun po-wi-dwaess-da (2014)


After numerous setbacks, the capable, bold and beautiful and optimistic Yu Xiushan (Gao Yala) finally passed the police civil service examination and became a criminal policeman of the Jiangnan Police Station. She and the vengeful Yin Daqiu (Li Shengji), the aristocratic elder brother Park Tai-ri (an Zaixian), and the unambitious Chi Guo (Park Zhengmin), four newcomers are divided into three strong groups led by the team leader Xu Jiexi (che Shengyuan). Group leader Xu is an excellent criminal policeman who has made great achievements in war, but these four newcomers with different personalities and constant troubles really make people feel difficult. they are not only in constant condition, but also sabotage the actions of other departments from time to time. Even so, team leader Xu was determined to spend three months training them. With the arduous training, all kinds of cases occur from time to time, and the things tracked by Daegu and Xiushan themselves have gradually surfaced.

After numerous setbacks, the capable, bold and beautiful and optimistic Yu Xiushan (Gao Yala) finally passed the police civil service examination and became a criminal policeman of the Jiangnan Police Station. She and the vengeful Yin Daqiu (Li Shengji), the aristocratic elder brother Park Tai-ri (an Zaixian), and the unambitious Chi Guo (Park Zhengmin), four newcomers are divided into three strong groups led by the team leader Xu Jiexi (che Shengyuan). Group leader Xu is an excellent criminal policeman who has made great achievements in war, but these four newcomers with different personalities and constant troubles really make people feel difficult. they are not only in constant condition, but also sabotage the actions of other departments from time to time. Even so, team leader Xu was determined to spend three months training them. With the arduous training, all kinds of cases occur from time to time, and the things tracked by Daegu and Xiushan themselves have gradually surfaced.