Ninja Cheerleaders

Ninja Cheerleaders (2008)

1h 21m | Comedy | USA

April (Ginny Weirick), Monica (Maitland McConnell) and Coni (Trishelle Cannatella) are three gorgeous high school girls who successfully steal a Japanese knife from a military base and are recognized as ninjas by their mentor Yamamoto, but their lives are still like ordinary girls, accosted by apprentices at school, cheerleading training, or dancing in Yamamoto's club to collect college tuition fees. And occasionally teach drunken sailors outside the club a lesson. On this day, the three men found that the teacher's club had been damaged, and Mr. Yamamoto disappeared with his safe. After investigation, they found that Victor, the criminal leader who had been released on bail, might have taken the teacher, and his purpose seemed to be to take back the club. So the three female ninjas looked for ways to rescue Mr. Yamamoto while avoiding the hindrance of the police.

April (Ginny Weirick), Monica (Maitland McConnell) and Coni (Trishelle Cannatella) are three gorgeous high school girls who successfully steal a Japanese knife from a military base and are recognized as ninjas by their mentor Yamamoto, but their lives are still like ordinary girls, accosted by apprentices at school, cheerleading training, or dancing in Yamamoto's club to collect college tuition fees. And occasionally teach drunken sailors outside the club a lesson. On this day, the three men found that the teacher's club had been damaged, and Mr. Yamamoto disappeared with his safe. After investigation, they found that Victor, the criminal leader who had been released on bail, might have taken the teacher, and his purpose seemed to be to take back the club. So the three female ninjas looked for ways to rescue Mr. Yamamoto while avoiding the hindrance of the police.