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No Escape

No Escape (1994)

1h 58m | Plot, Action, Sci-Fi, Thrilling | USA

Produced by the Insein Age, directed by Martin Campbell. In 2002, in an impregnable prison, the prisoners lived an inhuman life. Will a group of prisoners led by Ray Liotta sit back and wait for death after several painstaking escape from the prison and then to a jungle where they can't find a way out? Through the description of prison life, this film illustrates the ruthlessness of prison life. In the film, the actors gave full play to their superb acting skills, as well as excellent scenes and special effects, which aroused the interest of the broad audience. John Robbins was sentenced to life in prison for killing an officer, escaped several times unsuccessfully, and was eventually thrown to an island, a lawless world where prisoners usually only survive for six months. Outsiders and insiders fought each other on the island. Insiders built a boat to try to escape the island and tell the world the truth, but it was sunk. In the future, the man was sentenced to life in prison for killing an officer (because the officer ordered him to kill civilians), because he escaped from a level 5 security prison to a level 6 security prison, but the prisoners in the prison said that there was a more terrifying place because he rebelled against the warden and so on. He was eventually thrown to an island where two groups of people were killing each other.

Produced by the Insein Age, directed by Martin Campbell. In 2002, in an impregnable prison, the prisoners lived an inhuman life. Will a group of prisoners led by Ray Liotta sit back and wait for death after several painstaking escape from the prison and then to a jungle where they can't find a way out? Through the description of prison life, this film illustrates the ruthlessness of prison life. In the film, the actors gave full play to their superb acting skills, as well as excellent scenes and special effects, which aroused the interest of the broad audience. John Robbins was sentenced to life in prison for killing an officer, escaped several times unsuccessfully, and was eventually thrown to an island, a lawless world where prisoners usually only survive for six months. Outsiders and insiders fought each other on the island. Insiders built a boat to try to escape the island and tell the world the truth, but it was sunk. In the future, the man was sentenced to life in prison for killing an officer (because the officer ordered him to kill civilians), because he escaped from a level 5 security prison to a level 6 security prison, but the prisoners in the prison said that there was a more terrifying place because he rebelled against the warden and so on. He was eventually thrown to an island where two groups of people were killing each other.

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