OMG! Oh My Girl

OMG! Oh My Girl (2022)


It is not difficult for two people to fall in love. But at the right time! "Kay" wanted to express his love to Jun é at the wrong time, so it took a long time. Kay single Jun é broke up with Jun é, Kay broke up with Kay and Jun é always seemed to meet each other at the wrong time, but after many years, until he met Jun é again, Kay had made up his mind, although he knew that he had been beating around the bush and by this time he had already had a good boyfriend Pete. But it'seems that God has been against the two.

It is not difficult for two people to fall in love. But at the right time! "Kay" wanted to express his love to Jun é at the wrong time, so it took a long time. Kay single Jun é broke up with Jun é, Kay broke up with Kay and Jun é always seemed to meet each other at the wrong time, but after many years, until he met Jun é again, Kay had made up his mind, although he knew that he had been beating around the bush and by this time he had already had a good boyfriend Pete. But it'seems that God has been against the two.