On Ice

When winter comes, the river freezes. The animals come here to skate happily. Walt Disney Walt Disney is no exception. He is teaching his girlfriend Mini to skate, but Mini can't learn anything and falls several times in a row, so Mickey Mouse demonstrates for her. Gao Fei, a big dog, dug a hole in the ice and used bait to catch fish, but was teased by the fish. The naughty Donald Duck tied the skate to the feet of the sleeping Pluto. Poor Pluto could not gain a foothold on the ice. He was so sad that he cried and was overjoyed to watch Donald Duck. Suddenly the wind blew up and Donald Duck was blown to the waterfall and was about to fall. Mickey Mouse rushed forward to save his companion.

When winter comes, the river freezes. The animals come here to skate happily. Walt Disney Walt Disney is no exception. He is teaching his girlfriend Mini to skate, but Mini can't learn anything and falls several times in a row, so Mickey Mouse demonstrates for her. Gao Fei, a big dog, dug a hole in the ice and used bait to catch fish, but was teased by the fish. The naughty Donald Duck tied the skate to the feet of the sleeping Pluto. Poor Pluto could not gain a foothold on the ice. He was so sad that he cried and was overjoyed to watch Donald Duck. Suddenly the wind blew up and Donald Duck was blown to the waterfall and was about to fall. Mickey Mouse rushed forward to save his companion.

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