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Patriot Games

Patriot Games (1992)

1h 57m | Action, Thrilling, Crime | USA

Jack (Harrison Ford Harrison Ford) is a former CIA intelligence agent. On a vacation, he comes across a terrorist activity targeting Northern Ireland Secretary of State Holmes (James Fox James Fox). His professional habits make it impossible for him to sit idly by. With the help of Jack, the terrorist Miller (Sean Bing Sean Bean) is arrested, and Jack is rewarded. Although the operation failed, the terrorists did not stop there, but decided to do it again. Miller, who had successfully escaped from prison, volunteered to join the operation, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is, to seek revenge on Jack. Soon, the sensitive Jack found himself and his family in extreme danger. In order to protect the peace of the country, but also to protect his family, Jack returned to the CIA and went back to his old job.

Jack (Harrison Ford Harrison Ford) is a former CIA intelligence agent. On a vacation, he comes across a terrorist activity targeting Northern Ireland Secretary of State Holmes (James Fox James Fox). His professional habits make it impossible for him to sit idly by. With the help of Jack, the terrorist Miller (Sean Bing Sean Bean) is arrested, and Jack is rewarded. Although the operation failed, the terrorists did not stop there, but decided to do it again. Miller, who had successfully escaped from prison, volunteered to join the operation, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is, to seek revenge on Jack. Soon, the sensitive Jack found himself and his family in extreme danger. In order to protect the peace of the country, but also to protect his family, Jack returned to the CIA and went back to his old job.

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