Ping Pong the Animation

Ping Pong the Animation (2014)


The freshmen of Katase High School, "A Bian" Yukio Hoshino (voiced by Fukushiro Katayama) and "laughing Master" Yoshimoto (voiced by Aung Hui Neiyama) are friends from the same table tennis center. A-bian has a flamboyant personality, loves to talk and laughs, and because he is full of confidence in football skills, he simply pays no attention to the same period and seniors of the table tennis department. In contrast, Xiao Yeh is introverted and calm, and he doesn't seem to have the slightest strong desire to win at all. subconsciously he prefers to go unnoticed like a robot. In order to welcome the upcoming high school league, Mr. Koizumi, a consultant from the Table Tennis Department, chose the lunar book to practice. At the same time, the nearby Yutang College High School transferred Kong Wengge (Wen Xing Xing), a Chinese player who was kicked out of the national team, who was arrogant and turned a blind eye to Japanese players with low skills. On the other hand, Haiwang College High School, which is full of experts, is also ready to prepare for the next big competition. Square inch table, the battle situation is fierce. This film is based on the original work of the same name by Dayo Matsumoto.

The freshmen of Katase High School, "A Bian" Yukio Hoshino (voiced by Fukushiro Katayama) and "laughing Master" Yoshimoto (voiced by Aung Hui Neiyama) are friends from the same table tennis center. A-bian has a flamboyant personality, loves to talk and laughs, and because he is full of confidence in football skills, he simply pays no attention to the same period and seniors of the table tennis department. In contrast, Xiao Yeh is introverted and calm, and he doesn't seem to have the slightest strong desire to win at all. subconsciously he prefers to go unnoticed like a robot. In order to welcome the upcoming high school league, Mr. Koizumi, a consultant from the Table Tennis Department, chose the lunar book to practice. At the same time, the nearby Yutang College High School transferred Kong Wengge (Wen Xing Xing), a Chinese player who was kicked out of the national team, who was arrogant and turned a blind eye to Japanese players with low skills. On the other hand, Haiwang College High School, which is full of experts, is also ready to prepare for the next big competition. Square inch table, the battle situation is fierce. This film is based on the original work of the same name by Dayo Matsumoto.

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