
Players (2012)

Not Rated | 2h 43m | Plot, Action, Suspense, Thrilling, Terror | India

Charlie (Abshek Baqiang Abhishek Bachchan) receives clues left before his brother Reese was assassinated by the Russian Mafia and devises a perfect plan to steal a billion dollars of gold from a Russian train to Romania. With the help of Victor, he builds a team of the world's top players, top mechanical experts and thieves Rhea (Pippa Basu Bipasha Basu), India's most famous illusionist Ronnie, gold medal computer hacker spider (Neil Ting Mukosh Neil Nitin Mukesh), makeup master Sonny (Omivaida Omi Vaidya) and explosives expert Bilal (Bobby Dell Bobby Deol). After careful planning and preparation, a group of people disguised as a film team infiltrated into Russia. The thrilling theft was very successful, but the several people who were evacuating did not want to encounter the plot and betrayal of fellow spiders, and fate took a great turn. Not only all the gold was taken away by spiders, but Ronnie was killed on the spot. Several people who were lucky to survive then, under the leadership of Charlie, began a sophisticated revenge operation. The film was remade from the American version.

Charlie (Abshek Baqiang Abhishek Bachchan) receives clues left before his brother Reese was assassinated by the Russian Mafia and devises a perfect plan to steal a billion dollars of gold from a Russian train to Romania. With the help of Victor, he builds a team of the world's top players, top mechanical experts and thieves Rhea (Pippa Basu Bipasha Basu), India's most famous illusionist Ronnie, gold medal computer hacker spider (Neil Ting Mukosh Neil Nitin Mukesh), makeup master Sonny (Omivaida Omi Vaidya) and explosives expert Bilal (Bobby Dell Bobby Deol). After careful planning and preparation, a group of people disguised as a film team infiltrated into Russia. The thrilling theft was very successful, but the several people who were evacuating did not want to encounter the plot and betrayal of fellow spiders, and fate took a great turn. Not only all the gold was taken away by spiders, but Ronnie was killed on the spot. Several people who were lucky to survive then, under the leadership of Charlie, began a sophisticated revenge operation. The film was remade from the American version.

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