Please Like Me

Please Like Me (2013 - 2016)


The play is written and performed by Josh Thomas, a famous Australian comedian. Josh (Josh Thomas Josh Thomas) used to be a bit of a nerd + shy young man in his early 20s, with a very good friend, a beautiful girlfriend, and lived a happy life. Unexpectedly, one day, my girlfriend broke up with Josh. What surprised him even more was that his girlfriend told Josh that he was actually gay. Although a little frustrated, Josh didn't seem so sad and began to doubt his sexual orientation for the first time. Then Josh met the cute Geoffrey and really fell in love with the boy. Josh wants to take Geoffrey home and come out with his family, but his aunt is a devout Catholic, her mother has a habit of swallowing pills, and her father is in a new relationship. Will Josh reap happiness in the end?

The play is written and performed by Josh Thomas, a famous Australian comedian. Josh (Josh Thomas Josh Thomas) used to be a bit of a nerd + shy young man in his early 20s, with a very good friend, a beautiful girlfriend, and lived a happy life. Unexpectedly, one day, my girlfriend broke up with Josh. What surprised him even more was that his girlfriend told Josh that he was actually gay. Although a little frustrated, Josh didn't seem so sad and began to doubt his sexual orientation for the first time. Then Josh met the cute Geoffrey and really fell in love with the boy. Josh wants to take Geoffrey home and come out with his family, but his aunt is a devout Catholic, her mother has a habit of swallowing pills, and her father is in a new relationship. Will Josh reap happiness in the end?

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