Qing shao nian nuo zha

Qing shao nian nuo zha (1992)

1h 46m | Plot | Taiwan China

After escaping from the repressed cram school with the refunded tutoring fees, the well-off (Li Kangsheng) began to wander aimlessly in Ximenting and came across A Ze (Chen Zhaorong), a "bad boy" with another identity, who was attracted by him and eager to integrate into his life. But Aze only looks glamorous on the surface, playing electric games and driving a heavy motorcycle roaring down the street because he can make himself look like a winner for a while, but he is also closed and lonely inside. In the process of tracking Aze, well-off gradually found that his sexual orientation may be different from that of most people, as well as the monotony and boredom of Aze's life. But what is better than a well-off society is that although Ah Ze hardly knows what affection is, he is often accompanied by a "good brother" A Bin (Ren Changbin), and A Gui (Wang Yuwen) is a temporary girlfriend to live the life of "the monk ringing the bell that day".

After escaping from the repressed cram school with the refunded tutoring fees, the well-off (Li Kangsheng) began to wander aimlessly in Ximenting and came across A Ze (Chen Zhaorong), a "bad boy" with another identity, who was attracted by him and eager to integrate into his life. But Aze only looks glamorous on the surface, playing electric games and driving a heavy motorcycle roaring down the street because he can make himself look like a winner for a while, but he is also closed and lonely inside. In the process of tracking Aze, well-off gradually found that his sexual orientation may be different from that of most people, as well as the monotony and boredom of Aze's life. But what is better than a well-off society is that although Ah Ze hardly knows what affection is, he is often accompanied by a "good brother" A Bin (Ren Changbin), and A Gui (Wang Yuwen) is a temporary girlfriend to live the life of "the monk ringing the bell that day".

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