'Round Midnight

'Round Midnight (1986)

2h 13m | Plot, Musical | France

Dale Turner, an influential saxophone player, is now an old man, playing in fancy nightclubs in New York, but people never seem to disdain to pay attention to him. So he went to Paris and joined the local group of African-American musicians. Their performance at a nightclub was a success, and crazy jazz attracted an influx of Parisian young people. Young Francis Borriere is a poster designer who is madly infatuated with Turner's music and adores Turner. Because he was short of money, he could only listen to the music outside the nightclub. By chance, Borrier met Turner. He found that although Turner was very successful in his career, he was a total failure in life: he drank too much and was constantly deceived by women. In order to make a decent life for the "greatest alto saxophonist in the world", Borrier borrowed money to rent a spacious apartment for Turner so that he could take care of the frustrated old man. Under Borrier's careful care, Turner died peacefully in New York.

Dale Turner, an influential saxophone player, is now an old man, playing in fancy nightclubs in New York, but people never seem to disdain to pay attention to him. So he went to Paris and joined the local group of African-American musicians. Their performance at a nightclub was a success, and crazy jazz attracted an influx of Parisian young people. Young Francis Borriere is a poster designer who is madly infatuated with Turner's music and adores Turner. Because he was short of money, he could only listen to the music outside the nightclub. By chance, Borrier met Turner. He found that although Turner was very successful in his career, he was a total failure in life: he drank too much and was constantly deceived by women. In order to make a decent life for the "greatest alto saxophonist in the world", Borrier borrowed money to rent a spacious apartment for Turner so that he could take care of the frustrated old man. Under Borrier's careful care, Turner died peacefully in New York.

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