Running with Scissors

Running with Scissors (2006)

1h 56m | Comedy | USA

6-year-old Augustine (Joseph Cross Joseph Cross) is a precocious child, in his childish eyes, what should have been a happy family has long been disintegrated. As Augustine's mother, Dierid (Annette Benin Annette Bening) does not put her son's needs first. In her eyes, her identity as a poet and her position in the poetic world are the most important, but in fact, no one has even heard of the name of "poet" Dierid. His wife all day garrulous, helpless Norman (Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin) chose to ignore, frustrated he can only seek comfort from alcohol. The arrival of psychiatrist Finch (Brian Cox Brian Cox) has pushed the family's problems to a new level. Originally intended to repair the family rift, he has become the chief culprit leading to divorce. Even more to Augustine's headache, his mother entrusted herself to the crazy Mongolian doctor.

6-year-old Augustine (Joseph Cross Joseph Cross) is a precocious child, in his childish eyes, what should have been a happy family has long been disintegrated. As Augustine's mother, Dierid (Annette Benin Annette Bening) does not put her son's needs first. In her eyes, her identity as a poet and her position in the poetic world are the most important, but in fact, no one has even heard of the name of "poet" Dierid. His wife all day garrulous, helpless Norman (Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin) chose to ignore, frustrated he can only seek comfort from alcohol. The arrival of psychiatrist Finch (Brian Cox Brian Cox) has pushed the family's problems to a new level. Originally intended to repair the family rift, he has become the chief culprit leading to divorce. Even more to Augustine's headache, his mother entrusted herself to the crazy Mongolian doctor.

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