Safety Last!

Safety Last! (1923)

1h 14m | Comedy, Romance, Thrilling | USA

In this film, Lloyd plays a clerk in a department store. For commercial promotion, the company hired a stuntman to perform the stunt of climbing from downstairs to the roof of the building, but the stuntman was unable to get there because of a dispute with the traffic police on the way. In order to explain to the onlookers, the department store had to act as an actor by Lloyd and perform stunts in full view of the public.

In this film, Lloyd plays a clerk in a department store. For commercial promotion, the company hired a stuntman to perform the stunt of climbing from downstairs to the roof of the building, but the stuntman was unable to get there because of a dispute with the traffic police on the way. In order to explain to the onlookers, the department store had to act as an actor by Lloyd and perform stunts in full view of the public.

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