Scent of a Woman

Scent of a Woman (1992)

R | 2h 36m | Plot | USA

Charlie (Chris O'Donnell Chris O'Donnell) is an ordinary high school student who is faced with a difficult choice question-either confess or be rejected by the school because he has witnessed a prank but does not want to betray his friend. And Sfaran (Al Pacino Al Pacino is acted the role of) is a retired officer, because of accidental blindness, life from the pinnacle of glory fell to the bottom. Since the intersection of their lives, the turning point of fate has gradually become clear. Sfaran planned to end his meaningless life, so he enjoyed his last trip in the company of Charlie. He eats the best delicacies, buys glossy cars, races in narrow streets, lives in luxurious suites, follows the smell of perfume from strange women, and dances an elegant and sexy tango. After the madness of bliss, he pointed a gun at his head. However, Charlie's hoarse dissuasion changed everything, and the dawn gradually rose again in the old man's heart, and the two were as affectionate as father and son. Sfaran made an impassioned speech in the school auditorium, saving Charlie's future and satirizing the school's hypocrisy. The two were reborn in mutual encouragement.

Charlie (Chris O'Donnell Chris O'Donnell) is an ordinary high school student who is faced with a difficult choice question-either confess or be rejected by the school because he has witnessed a prank but does not want to betray his friend. And Sfaran (Al Pacino Al Pacino is acted the role of) is a retired officer, because of accidental blindness, life from the pinnacle of glory fell to the bottom. Since the intersection of their lives, the turning point of fate has gradually become clear. Sfaran planned to end his meaningless life, so he enjoyed his last trip in the company of Charlie. He eats the best delicacies, buys glossy cars, races in narrow streets, lives in luxurious suites, follows the smell of perfume from strange women, and dances an elegant and sexy tango. After the madness of bliss, he pointed a gun at his head. However, Charlie's hoarse dissuasion changed everything, and the dawn gradually rose again in the old man's heart, and the two were as affectionate as father and son. Sfaran made an impassioned speech in the school auditorium, saving Charlie's future and satirizing the school's hypocrisy. The two were reborn in mutual encouragement.

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