
The story takes place on a lost continent. Due to the influence of the lost continent, some of the residents of this continent have the ability, and they are also what they call superpowers. The two opposing protagonists in the story, Liu Feng and Yima, serve different objects because of their different ideas. It is just a legitimate office for the government, using super-capable warriors to contain the super-capable people among the indigenous residents so that they do not breed trouble. The other is accused of being a villain to seek true freedom and independence for the original mainland residents. As Yima said, freedom can only be achieved through one's own hands. What others give, others can also take it. So he doesn't want to vote K to Liu Feng. So that there is a constant battle between the two. Because of an accident, Liu Feng lost her memory and was reduced to the lost mainland. Having personally felt a lot of things, he felt that the original concept was biased, so he sided with the original mainland residents. As a result, he was hunted and killed by the original organization. Having learned all the truth, Liu Feng finally became a comrade-in-arms side by side with Yima, and decided to defeat the culprit who really caused all this.

The story takes place on a lost continent. Due to the influence of the lost continent, some of the residents of this continent have the ability, and they are also what they call superpowers. The two opposing protagonists in the story, Liu Feng and Yima, serve different objects because of their different ideas. It is just a legitimate office for the government, using super-capable warriors to contain the super-capable people among the indigenous residents so that they do not breed trouble. The other is accused of being a villain to seek true freedom and independence for the original mainland residents. As Yima said, freedom can only be achieved through one's own hands. What others give, others can also take it. So he doesn't want to vote K to Liu Feng. So that there is a constant battle between the two. Because of an accident, Liu Feng lost her memory and was reduced to the lost mainland. Having personally felt a lot of things, he felt that the original concept was biased, so he sided with the original mainland residents. As a result, he was hunted and killed by the original organization. Having learned all the truth, Liu Feng finally became a comrade-in-arms side by side with Yima, and decided to defeat the culprit who really caused all this.