See Hear Love

See Hear Love (2023)

2h 12m | Plot, Romance | Japan

Cartoonist Shinji Quamamoto (Shigeru Yamashita) suffers from the disease of gradually losing his eyesight, and the popular serial cartoons have to be discontinued. The lonely, hopeless Meiji wants to jump off the balcony, and at this time, he is saved by the inaudible Xiangtian ring of his fans (Yuko Shimi).

Cartoonist Shinji Quamamoto (Shigeru Yamashita) suffers from the disease of gradually losing his eyesight, and the popular serial cartoons have to be discontinued. The lonely, hopeless Meiji wants to jump off the balcony, and at this time, he is saved by the inaudible Xiangtian ring of his fans (Yuko Shimi).

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