Shava Ni Girdhari Lal

Shava Ni Girdhari Lal (2021)

2h | Comedy, Romance | India

Girdhari is getting older and eager to find her own partner. However, due to his impulsiveness, every time he meets a beautiful girl, he gets into trouble. Whether attending weddings or funerals, he always makes people around him feel uncomfortable. The only person who can understand him is his father. Whether Girdhari can finally find her true love will be revealed in the story.

Girdhari is getting older and eager to find her own partner. However, due to his impulsiveness, every time he meets a beautiful girl, he gets into trouble. Whether attending weddings or funerals, he always makes people around him feel uncomfortable. The only person who can understand him is his father. Whether Girdhari can finally find her true love will be revealed in the story.

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