Shen De Bing Li Bu

Shen De Bing Li Bu (2021)

2h | Plot | Japan

Adapted from the novel of the same name, it tells the story of Kurihara (Fukuhara), a physician in a local hospital, parting from his patients and mentors, as well as his distress and growth in medical work. Qingye Cai Ming and Peking University Luxin will also play the wife and mentor who support Liyuan Yizhi, respectively.

Adapted from the novel of the same name, it tells the story of Kurihara (Fukuhara), a physician in a local hospital, parting from his patients and mentors, as well as his distress and growth in medical work. Qingye Cai Ming and Peking University Luxin will also play the wife and mentor who support Liyuan Yizhi, respectively.

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