Short Circuit

Short Circuit (2020 - 2021)


Short Circuit is an experimental animated short film production plan put forward by Disney Animation Studios (Walt Disney Animation Studios). According to Disney officials, "anyone within Disney Animation Studios can come up with their own ideas, which have the opportunity to produce original animated short films with the support of the studio. The goal of this plan is to make bold innovations in vision and stories, to give newcomers an opportunity to perform, and to carry out experimental technological innovation. " To sum up, the core of Short Circuit is to push through the old and bring forth the new. This "new" is mainly reflected in two aspects-- the discovery of new talents and the use of new technologies. As for visual and story innovation, with new people and new technologies, it is a natural thing to happen. Established in 2016, Disney has saved 20 works at a time. The official Twitter of Disney Animation announced Short Circuit on May 16, but according to foreign media reports, the project has actually started since 2016. The first work of the plan is "C..." produced by Jeff Gipson.

Short Circuit is an experimental animated short film production plan put forward by Disney Animation Studios (Walt Disney Animation Studios). According to Disney officials, "anyone within Disney Animation Studios can come up with their own ideas, which have the opportunity to produce original animated short films with the support of the studio. The goal of this plan is to make bold innovations in vision and stories, to give newcomers an opportunity to perform, and to carry out experimental technological innovation. " To sum up, the core of Short Circuit is to push through the old and bring forth the new. This "new" is mainly reflected in two aspects-- the discovery of new talents and the use of new technologies. As for visual and story innovation, with new people and new technologies, it is a natural thing to happen. Established in 2016, Disney has saved 20 works at a time. The official Twitter of Disney Animation announced Short Circuit on May 16, but according to foreign media reports, the project has actually started since 2016. The first work of the plan is "C..." produced by Jeff Gipson.