
Smoking (2018)


"smoking" is a TV series broadcast by Tokyo TV Station on April 19, 2018. It is co-directed by Takeshi Miyagi and Takashi Yuki. It is not written by Zhai, Shoushima Ruimaru and Yuosuke. Ishibashi Ling, Jinzi Tongzhao, Tomoji Maruyama and Jie Yoshimura star. The play is based on cartoons serialized by cartoonist Hiroshi Iwasaki in the Young Magazine comic magazine. It tells the story of the "peeler" who peeled off the tattoos of the assassinated object and soaked them in formalin to hand them over to the client. (acted the role of Ishibashi Ling), everything from heavy guns to discarded bento can get the "footmaster" Bading (Jinzitongzhao). GORO (Maruyama Zhiji), the former underground gladiator who can smash his opponent instantly, and HIHUMIN (Yoshimura Jie Ren), the expert in dispensing medicine, form the story of an assassination gang that punishes evil parties.

"smoking" is a TV series broadcast by Tokyo TV Station on April 19, 2018. It is co-directed by Takeshi Miyagi and Takashi Yuki. It is not written by Zhai, Shoushima Ruimaru and Yuosuke. Ishibashi Ling, Jinzi Tongzhao, Tomoji Maruyama and Jie Yoshimura star. The play is based on cartoons serialized by cartoonist Hiroshi Iwasaki in the Young Magazine comic magazine. It tells the story of the "peeler" who peeled off the tattoos of the assassinated object and soaked them in formalin to hand them over to the client. (acted the role of Ishibashi Ling), everything from heavy guns to discarded bento can get the "footmaster" Bading (Jinzitongzhao). GORO (Maruyama Zhiji), the former underground gladiator who can smash his opponent instantly, and HIHUMIN (Yoshimura Jie Ren), the expert in dispensing medicine, form the story of an assassination gang that punishes evil parties.

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