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Speed (1994)

R | 1h 56m | Action, Thrilling, Crime | USA

Retired bomb expert Penn (Dennis Hopper Dennis Hopper) has the idea of revenge on society because he is dissatisfied with the government's retirement policy. He first planted a bomb in the elevator and took hostages for a ransom of $1 million, but was defused by SWAT Jack (Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves) and rescued the hostages. Penn took advantage of the chaos to escape. It didn't work out. Payne didn't give up. He went on with his crazy plan. This time he blew up a bus and planted a bomb on another bus. As long as the speed of the bus exceeded 50 miles per hour, it could not slow down any more, otherwise it would cause an explosion. When Jack caught up with the bus, it was already full of passengers on the highway and had already passed 50 miles an hour. Jack is commonly known as "daring hair". He ventured on the bus and the life and death between him and Payne began.

Retired bomb expert Penn (Dennis Hopper Dennis Hopper) has the idea of revenge on society because he is dissatisfied with the government's retirement policy. He first planted a bomb in the elevator and took hostages for a ransom of $1 million, but was defused by SWAT Jack (Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves) and rescued the hostages. Penn took advantage of the chaos to escape. It didn't work out. Payne didn't give up. He went on with his crazy plan. This time he blew up a bus and planted a bomb on another bus. As long as the speed of the bus exceeded 50 miles per hour, it could not slow down any more, otherwise it would cause an explosion. When Jack caught up with the bus, it was already full of passengers on the highway and had already passed 50 miles an hour. Jack is commonly known as "daring hair". He ventured on the bus and the life and death between him and Payne began.

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