Spinning Boris

Spinning Boris (2003)

1h 52m | Plot, Comedy | USA

In early 1996, three Republican campaigners secretly assisted Boris Yeltsin (Boris Yeltsin) for re-election. As soon as they arrived in Moscow, they found that his approval rating was only 6%, and the election was still months away. When Dick Dresden wanted to go home, George Gordon and Joe Schumat voted to stay. First of all, they must attract the attention of others; they finally succeeded in Yeltsin's daughter. Then there is polling, focus groups, information and publicity. Although the number of Yeltsin is increasing, all three are not sure who hired them or whether Yeltsin's allies have plans different from those of election victory. When things get tricky, Gordon will explain our bet: democracy and capitalism must win.

In early 1996, three Republican campaigners secretly assisted Boris Yeltsin (Boris Yeltsin) for re-election. As soon as they arrived in Moscow, they found that his approval rating was only 6%, and the election was still months away. When Dick Dresden wanted to go home, George Gordon and Joe Schumat voted to stay. First of all, they must attract the attention of others; they finally succeeded in Yeltsin's daughter. Then there is polling, focus groups, information and publicity. Although the number of Yeltsin is increasing, all three are not sure who hired them or whether Yeltsin's allies have plans different from those of election victory. When things get tricky, Gordon will explain our bet: democracy and capitalism must win.

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