Strange Magic

Strange Magic (2015)


The story takes place in the world of goblins, where Princess Marilyn (voiced by Evan Rachel Wood Evan Rachel Wood) is about to marry her beloved Roland (voiced by Sam Paladio Sam Palladio). However, by chance, Marilyn discovers that Roland doesn't love her at all and marries herself just to get the throne. The heartbroken Marilyn fell into sadness and despair. Roland sees his plot coming to an end, so he finds the simple Elf Sunshine (voiced by Ilya Kelly Elijah Kelley) and tricks the latter into going to the Dark Forest, where the witch honey who can make love potions lives (voiced by Kristen Kenoons Kristin Chenoweth). Get the love potion, Sunshine is determined to sprinkle it on Marilyn's sister Dorne (Meredith Anne Boer Meredith Anne Bull voice), however, the swamp king (Alan Cumming Alan Cumming voice) suddenly appears, affected by the potion, Dorne unexpectedly.

The story takes place in the world of goblins, where Princess Marilyn (voiced by Evan Rachel Wood Evan Rachel Wood) is about to marry her beloved Roland (voiced by Sam Paladio Sam Palladio). However, by chance, Marilyn discovers that Roland doesn't love her at all and marries herself just to get the throne. The heartbroken Marilyn fell into sadness and despair. Roland sees his plot coming to an end, so he finds the simple Elf Sunshine (voiced by Ilya Kelly Elijah Kelley) and tricks the latter into going to the Dark Forest, where the witch honey who can make love potions lives (voiced by Kristen Kenoons Kristin Chenoweth). Get the love potion, Sunshine is determined to sprinkle it on Marilyn's sister Dorne (Meredith Anne Boer Meredith Anne Bull voice), however, the swamp king (Alan Cumming Alan Cumming voice) suddenly appears, affected by the potion, Dorne unexpectedly.