Thanks for Sharing

Thanks for Sharing (2013)

1h 52m | Comedy | USA

Adam (Mark Ruffalo Mark Ruffalo) is a sex addict. This socially misunderstood and controversial disease has caused great trauma to Adam's body and mind. Fortunately, Adam, with a strong personality, did not give up. While actively cooperating with the treatment, he was also strictly controlling his desires. Today, he has been abstinent for five years. Around Adam, there are many people who are similar to him. They call each other as "family", help each other and support each other. By chance, Adam meets a girl named Phoebe (Gwyneth Paltrow Gwyneth Paltrow). Her beauty and cheerfulness soon attract Adam's attention. The question is from then on, in the face of sexy Phoebe, Adam began to feel the stimulation and pain caused by out of control of hormones in his body. Is this a simple pathological reaction, or is it true love?

Adam (Mark Ruffalo Mark Ruffalo) is a sex addict. This socially misunderstood and controversial disease has caused great trauma to Adam's body and mind. Fortunately, Adam, with a strong personality, did not give up. While actively cooperating with the treatment, he was also strictly controlling his desires. Today, he has been abstinent for five years. Around Adam, there are many people who are similar to him. They call each other as "family", help each other and support each other. By chance, Adam meets a girl named Phoebe (Gwyneth Paltrow Gwyneth Paltrow). Her beauty and cheerfulness soon attract Adam's attention. The question is from then on, in the face of sexy Phoebe, Adam began to feel the stimulation and pain caused by out of control of hormones in his body. Is this a simple pathological reaction, or is it true love?