The Badger

The Badger (2020)

1h 33m | Plot | Iran

The film tells the story of an accident that happened to 40-year-old Sud before her second marriage. Sud and her son Matthiar live in an old apartment. One day she asked the pest control company to deal with the termites in her home, and Matthiar followed him to film the work of disinfestation, which is his hobby. After school the next day, Mathiar was kidnapped by gangsters, and Sud was blackmailed by the robbers to pay 10 bitcoins to redeem his son. Under great pressure, Sud was determined to raise money to save his son anyway, but the truth behind the incident was astonishing.

The film tells the story of an accident that happened to 40-year-old Sud before her second marriage. Sud and her son Matthiar live in an old apartment. One day she asked the pest control company to deal with the termites in her home, and Matthiar followed him to film the work of disinfestation, which is his hobby. After school the next day, Mathiar was kidnapped by gangsters, and Sud was blackmailed by the robbers to pay 10 bitcoins to redeem his son. Under great pressure, Sud was determined to raise money to save his son anyway, but the truth behind the incident was astonishing.

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