The Brave One

The Brave One (1956)

1h 40m | Plot, Family | USA

The brave one is a bull named Gidono (or gypsy). A Mexican boy, Michael Ray, adopted Guidono after he saved the animal's life in a storm. The friendship between the bull and the boy was threatened when Gitano's rightful owner claimed that the animal was his and transported it to the ring. Moved by the boy's plight, the Mexican president signed a "pardon" for Guidono, but did not quickly stop the bull from appearing in the square of Mexico City, where he faced the most important matador, Fermin Rivera. According to a real story, the film won the 29th Academy Award for Best Picture Story for Robert Ritchie, which embarrassed the college (civil liberals delight) that he was blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo.

The brave one is a bull named Gidono (or gypsy). A Mexican boy, Michael Ray, adopted Guidono after he saved the animal's life in a storm. The friendship between the bull and the boy was threatened when Gitano's rightful owner claimed that the animal was his and transported it to the ring. Moved by the boy's plight, the Mexican president signed a "pardon" for Guidono, but did not quickly stop the bull from appearing in the square of Mexico City, where he faced the most important matador, Fermin Rivera. According to a real story, the film won the 29th Academy Award for Best Picture Story for Robert Ritchie, which embarrassed the college (civil liberals delight) that he was blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo.

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