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The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow (2004)


Jack (Dennis Quaid Dennis Quaid), an American climatologist, believes that Greenhouse Effect is causing a catastrophe on Earth, and the melting of Arctic glaciers will bring the earth back to the catastrophe of the Ice Age. His reminder did not attract the attention of the US authorities, and it was too late: Hurricanes, hail, floods, melting icebergs, extreme cold, and a series of earth upheavals caused an irreparable disaster. The US government organized people at 30 degrees north latitude to move around the equator, and the scene was chaotic. To make matters worse, Jack's son is trapped in a library in Manhattan, burning books and making a fire to maintain his body temperature. How can everyone escape the disaster of extinction? When will the icy earth warm up?

Jack (Dennis Quaid Dennis Quaid), an American climatologist, believes that Greenhouse Effect is causing a catastrophe on Earth, and the melting of Arctic glaciers will bring the earth back to the catastrophe of the Ice Age. His reminder did not attract the attention of the US authorities, and it was too late: Hurricanes, hail, floods, melting icebergs, extreme cold, and a series of earth upheavals caused an irreparable disaster. The US government organized people at 30 degrees north latitude to move around the equator, and the scene was chaotic. To make matters worse, Jack's son is trapped in a library in Manhattan, burning books and making a fire to maintain his body temperature. How can everyone escape the disaster of extinction? When will the icy earth warm up?