The First World War

The First World War (2003)

8h 20m | Documentary | UK

This feature is based on a series of 10 episodes broadcast by British Television 4. In these 10 episodes, this topic will try its best to restore the true face of World War I, telling you this tragic history of blood and tears, crime and punishment, life and death. World War I was the first war on a global scale in human history. Every big state had countries participating in the war, and different countries and different races went to war for different interests. This program uses a lot of first-hand information, such as precious videos and photos of that year, interviews with people who have experienced it and insiders, visits the battlefield of that year and the remains of major historical events, and uses the most detailed information to explore the root causes, process and final outcome of the outbreak of the first World War, as well as its impact on the future. Now let's go into World War I, this smoke-filled history. The 10-episode catalogue and introduction are as follows: the first episode. This episode of armed combat introduces the complex causes of the outbreak of World War I. Explore how tensions in the otherwise insignificant Balkan region turned into a world war. The second episode. Eagle's attack with Germany as fierce as an eagle launched a fierce all-out attack on Belgium and France for the first time.

This feature is based on a series of 10 episodes broadcast by British Television 4. In these 10 episodes, this topic will try its best to restore the true face of World War I, telling you this tragic history of blood and tears, crime and punishment, life and death. World War I was the first war on a global scale in human history. Every big state had countries participating in the war, and different countries and different races went to war for different interests. This program uses a lot of first-hand information, such as precious videos and photos of that year, interviews with people who have experienced it and insiders, visits the battlefield of that year and the remains of major historical events, and uses the most detailed information to explore the root causes, process and final outcome of the outbreak of the first World War, as well as its impact on the future. Now let's go into World War I, this smoke-filled history. The 10-episode catalogue and introduction are as follows: the first episode. This episode of armed combat introduces the complex causes of the outbreak of World War I. Explore how tensions in the otherwise insignificant Balkan region turned into a world war. The second episode. Eagle's attack with Germany as fierce as an eagle launched a fierce all-out attack on Belgium and France for the first time.

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