The Getaway

The Getaway (1972)


An accident makes Duck (Steve McQueen Steve McQueen) face a long and painful prison sentence. In order to save her husband from suffering, Duck's wife Carol (Allie McGuire Ali MacGraw) bribes senior prison officials at the expense of her appearance. Sure enough, Duck gets special parole, while Sheriff Byron (Ben Johnson Ben Johnson) tells Duck that in exchange he must do him a "small favor"-robbing a bank! Forced by Byron's obscene power, Duck had no choice but to submit. However, what he did not know, Byron had already sentenced himself to death in his heart, and he did not want Duck or leave the crime scene at all. Working with Duck is a man named Rudy (Al Letieri Al Lettieri), whose ideas coincide with Byron. In such a dangerous situation, can Duck successfully complete the task?

An accident makes Duck (Steve McQueen Steve McQueen) face a long and painful prison sentence. In order to save her husband from suffering, Duck's wife Carol (Allie McGuire Ali MacGraw) bribes senior prison officials at the expense of her appearance. Sure enough, Duck gets special parole, while Sheriff Byron (Ben Johnson Ben Johnson) tells Duck that in exchange he must do him a "small favor"-robbing a bank! Forced by Byron's obscene power, Duck had no choice but to submit. However, what he did not know, Byron had already sentenced himself to death in his heart, and he did not want Duck or leave the crime scene at all. Working with Duck is a man named Rudy (Al Letieri Al Lettieri), whose ideas coincide with Byron. In such a dangerous situation, can Duck successfully complete the task?

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