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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

R | 2h 38m | Suspense, Thrilling, Crime | USA

Mikel Blankvester (Daniel Craig Daniel Craig), a financial reporter for Millennium magazine, is obsessed with a libel lawsuit caused by a report when he is unexpectedly invited by Henry Van Yell (Christopher Plummer Christopher Plummer), the founder of Sweden's top family business Vanger Industrial Group. On the surface, Mikel is going to write a biography of each other, but he is actually helping Dicky investigate an unsolved murder in his family 40 years ago. Meeker carefully combed through the mountain of materials and exchanged views with family members. But at a critical moment, a marginal girl Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara Rooney Mara) hacked into the computer to steal data. He found Liz, who had extraordinary investigative ability, and invited her to investigate, only to find that there was a bottomless black hole of desire in front of him. The film is based on the original work of Swedish novelist Stieg Larsson Larrson.

Mikel Blankvester (Daniel Craig Daniel Craig), a financial reporter for Millennium magazine, is obsessed with a libel lawsuit caused by a report when he is unexpectedly invited by Henry Van Yell (Christopher Plummer Christopher Plummer), the founder of Sweden's top family business Vanger Industrial Group. On the surface, Mikel is going to write a biography of each other, but he is actually helping Dicky investigate an unsolved murder in his family 40 years ago. Meeker carefully combed through the mountain of materials and exchanged views with family members. But at a critical moment, a marginal girl Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara Rooney Mara) hacked into the computer to steal data. He found Liz, who had extraordinary investigative ability, and invited her to investigate, only to find that there was a bottomless black hole of desire in front of him. The film is based on the original work of Swedish novelist Stieg Larsson Larrson.

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