The Possession

The Possession (2012)

1h 32m | Thrilling, Terror | USA

On an ordinary day, the middle-aged man Clyde (Jeffrey Dean Jeffrey Dean Morgan) picks up his two daughters Hannah (Madison Davenport Madison Davenport) and Emily (Natasha Kellis N atasha Calis) from his ex-wife Stephanie (Kayla Sedgwick Kyra Sedgwick) to spend the holiday with him. As they were driving around the neighborhood, they caught a glimpse of their neighbors selling their belongings on sale. Emily took a fancy to an old but unique wooden box, which she didn't know was a box that hides a terrible secret and is absolutely not allowed to open it. Once the box was opened, bad luck followed, and the nightmare of Emily and her family began. The film is based on "Jinx in a Box" written by Los Angeles Times reporter Leslie Goldstein based on real events.

On an ordinary day, the middle-aged man Clyde (Jeffrey Dean Jeffrey Dean Morgan) picks up his two daughters Hannah (Madison Davenport Madison Davenport) and Emily (Natasha Kellis N atasha Calis) from his ex-wife Stephanie (Kayla Sedgwick Kyra Sedgwick) to spend the holiday with him. As they were driving around the neighborhood, they caught a glimpse of their neighbors selling their belongings on sale. Emily took a fancy to an old but unique wooden box, which she didn't know was a box that hides a terrible secret and is absolutely not allowed to open it. Once the box was opened, bad luck followed, and the nightmare of Emily and her family began. The film is based on "Jinx in a Box" written by Los Angeles Times reporter Leslie Goldstein based on real events.

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