The Seasons In Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger

The Seasons In Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger (2016)

1h 30m | Documentary, Biography | UK

"John Berg is the real heir of the romantic spirit of the western left, with sharp comments devoted to the public domain on the one hand and deep introverted fiction on the other," Liang said. " John Berg died in January, making the documentary a valuable documentary in his later years. The film is made up of four short films of very different styles, connected all the year round. With Quincy, the town where John Berg lived, as the background, with plain stories and poetic pictures, John Berg lost the aura of artists and celebrities and returned to an ordinary old man, sincere and simple. The residents of the small village also have their own stories. The director also uses more historical images interspersed with the life of the elderly, giving people a sense of poetic penetration and reverie space, is a very beautiful documentary.

"John Berg is the real heir of the romantic spirit of the western left, with sharp comments devoted to the public domain on the one hand and deep introverted fiction on the other," Liang said. " John Berg died in January, making the documentary a valuable documentary in his later years. The film is made up of four short films of very different styles, connected all the year round. With Quincy, the town where John Berg lived, as the background, with plain stories and poetic pictures, John Berg lost the aura of artists and celebrities and returned to an ordinary old man, sincere and simple. The residents of the small village also have their own stories. The director also uses more historical images interspersed with the life of the elderly, giving people a sense of poetic penetration and reverie space, is a very beautiful documentary.

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