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The Starling

The Starling (2021)

1h 42m | Plot | USA

Melissa McCarthy and Chris Odod may reunite with director Theodore Melfie ([Saint Vincent]) to star in the latter's new comedy [starlings]. The film depicts a couple suffering a tragedy that strained their relationship. When Lily Maynard's husband went through rehabilitation and relieved her grief, she chose to stay at home with her husband. He built a beautiful garden for her in the backyard, but she found herself attacked by a large starling nesting nearby. She found a veterinarian to find out if there was a humane way to get rid of the bird. But the veterinarian used to be a psychiatrist who made animals for humans, and he put his mark on these animals. The film tells how love comes through sadness. The film is scheduled to start this summer.

Melissa McCarthy and Chris Odod may reunite with director Theodore Melfie ([Saint Vincent]) to star in the latter's new comedy [starlings]. The film depicts a couple suffering a tragedy that strained their relationship. When Lily Maynard's husband went through rehabilitation and relieved her grief, she chose to stay at home with her husband. He built a beautiful garden for her in the backyard, but she found herself attacked by a large starling nesting nearby. She found a veterinarian to find out if there was a humane way to get rid of the bird. But the veterinarian used to be a psychiatrist who made animals for humans, and he put his mark on these animals. The film tells how love comes through sadness. The film is scheduled to start this summer.

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