The X Files

The X Files (1998)


The five-year chase has come to naught, and with the closure of the X-Files, Fox Mulder (David Duchuni David Duchovny) and Dana Scoli (Gillian Anderson Gillian Anderson) are forced to transfer to handle some ordinary cases. One day, there was an explosion in Dallas, Texas. Although Mulder and Scoli tried to evacuate people in the office building, the explosion claimed the lives of four innocent people, and they were criticized by their superiors. However, shortly after the event, Mulder learned that the four victims had died long before the explosion, which was just a scam carried out by a mysterious department to cover up the evidence. The department is said to have been engaged in alien research for many years, and their research is enough to lead to the destruction of mankind. The two partners decided to investigate the matter thoroughly, but mysterious and irresistible forces were hindering their search for the truth all the time. This film is the first theatrical version of an American TV series of the same name.

The five-year chase has come to naught, and with the closure of the X-Files, Fox Mulder (David Duchuni David Duchovny) and Dana Scoli (Gillian Anderson Gillian Anderson) are forced to transfer to handle some ordinary cases. One day, there was an explosion in Dallas, Texas. Although Mulder and Scoli tried to evacuate people in the office building, the explosion claimed the lives of four innocent people, and they were criticized by their superiors. However, shortly after the event, Mulder learned that the four victims had died long before the explosion, which was just a scam carried out by a mysterious department to cover up the evidence. The department is said to have been engaged in alien research for many years, and their research is enough to lead to the destruction of mankind. The two partners decided to investigate the matter thoroughly, but mysterious and irresistible forces were hindering their search for the truth all the time. This film is the first theatrical version of an American TV series of the same name.

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