Unclenching the Fists

Unclenching the Fists (2021)

97m | Plot | Russia

Russian director Kira Kovalenko will direct the first feature film [Unclenching The Fists]. The story takes place in a mining town in the North Ossetia Mountains and revolves around a young woman trying to get rid of her father's control. Kovalenko co-wrote the screenplay with Anton Yarush ([intimate]) and Lyubov Mulmenko.

Russian director Kira Kovalenko will direct the first feature film [Unclenching The Fists]. The story takes place in a mining town in the North Ossetia Mountains and revolves around a young woman trying to get rid of her father's control. Kovalenko co-wrote the screenplay with Anton Yarush ([intimate]) and Lyubov Mulmenko.

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