Une aventure

Une aventure (2005)

1h 40m | Plot, Romance | France

Fatal sexual encounter (Une Aventure) 2005 France's controversial sex film daydream sexual fantasy, surreal sexual journey directed by Xavi. Gianori's "the body of longing" and "when I'm still a singer" actor: Ludivina Sanier, "Swimming Pool" and "Lily's temptation" introduction: Julian (Nicola Duvochel) works at night in a videotape library. One night when he came home through the glass of the front hall of the building, he saw a young woman, Gabriel (Lu Divina Sanier), barefoot in pajamas. The woman seems to turn to him for help. The next day, Julian met Gabriel again while shopping. He was inexplicably attracted to her. He later learned that she was sleepwalking. She and her son lived in the building opposite his house. She had a lover named Louis, a married man who supported her.

Fatal sexual encounter (Une Aventure) 2005 France's controversial sex film daydream sexual fantasy, surreal sexual journey directed by Xavi. Gianori's "the body of longing" and "when I'm still a singer" actor: Ludivina Sanier, "Swimming Pool" and "Lily's temptation" introduction: Julian (Nicola Duvochel) works at night in a videotape library. One night when he came home through the glass of the front hall of the building, he saw a young woman, Gabriel (Lu Divina Sanier), barefoot in pajamas. The woman seems to turn to him for help. The next day, Julian met Gabriel again while shopping. He was inexplicably attracted to her. He later learned that she was sleepwalking. She and her son lived in the building opposite his house. She had a lover named Louis, a married man who supported her.

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