Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins

Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins (2018)

1h 30m | Documentary | Australia

Vitamins, also known as vitamins, can be taken in moderation to keep the body healthy, while excessive intake can lead to poisoning. Vitamins have become a hundreds of billions of dollars industry. Dr. Derek Muller talks about the science and history of vitamins and how to take them properly. Almost one billion of us take a regular dietary supplement, mainly vitamin tablets. Vitamins are enthusiastically endorsed by celebrities, and vitamin-fortified foods line our supermarket shelves.But how safe are these products? Is it true that vitamins are "natural" and therefore can't do you an...

Vitamins, also known as vitamins, can be taken in moderation to keep the body healthy, while excessive intake can lead to poisoning. Vitamins have become a hundreds of billions of dollars industry. Dr. Derek Muller talks about the science and history of vitamins and how to take them properly. Almost one billion of us take a regular dietary supplement, mainly vitamin tablets. Vitamins are enthusiastically endorsed by celebrities, and vitamin-fortified foods line our supermarket shelves.But how safe are these products? Is it true that vitamins are "natural" and therefore can't do you an...