Viva la libertà

Viva la libertà (2013)

1h 34m | Plot | Italy

As the election approached, the election situation was urgent, and the leader of the ruling party, who was timid and cautious, disappeared under pressure. Thinking about the love of Cannes at that time, he resolutely fled to France to revisit his old lover who made a film career. The poor aide was as anxious as the ants on the hot pot. He brought in the deified philosopher twin brother of the party leader to act as a substitute. Unexpectedly, counterfeiting was even more popular, and he won the hearts and minds of the people with his performance of being close to the people and full of philosophy to reverse the decline. Sure enough, life is like a play, and politics is nothing but a performance. Tony Shavelu ("deadly Rich") plays two brothers with the same appearance and opposite personality. originally, each went his own way, but suddenly changed, on the one hand, the unruly professor released his enthusiasm to inspire sentient beings, and on the other hand, politicians from the ground walked into the dream workshop and looked for freedom.

As the election approached, the election situation was urgent, and the leader of the ruling party, who was timid and cautious, disappeared under pressure. Thinking about the love of Cannes at that time, he resolutely fled to France to revisit his old lover who made a film career. The poor aide was as anxious as the ants on the hot pot. He brought in the deified philosopher twin brother of the party leader to act as a substitute. Unexpectedly, counterfeiting was even more popular, and he won the hearts and minds of the people with his performance of being close to the people and full of philosophy to reverse the decline. Sure enough, life is like a play, and politics is nothing but a performance. Tony Shavelu ("deadly Rich") plays two brothers with the same appearance and opposite personality. originally, each went his own way, but suddenly changed, on the one hand, the unruly professor released his enthusiasm to inspire sentient beings, and on the other hand, politicians from the ground walked into the dream workshop and looked for freedom.

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