Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)

2h 13m | Plot, Crime | USA

Http://site.douban.com/108127/ Wall Street: money never Sleeps Douban Station in 2001, the former dominating Wall Street Gordon (Michael Douglas Michael Douglas) was released from prison, no one came to pick up, and his daughter Winnie (Kerry Mulligan Carey Mulligan), who had not been seen in 8 years, was in the same boat with him. However, her boyfriend, stock trader Jack (Thea LaBeouf Shia LaBeouf), admires him a little. Jack is keen on clean energy projects, but his boss and mentor, Louis, advised him to stop as soon as possible and gave him some money. Unexpectedly, James of the investment bank took the opportunity to buy the company, which was heavily in debt because of negative news. Louis was forced to commit suicide on the tracks. Jack is determined to avenge his mentor. He introduced himself to Gordon, hoping to get his advice. Gordon learned about his relationship with Winnie and made a deal: Jack gave him access to his daughter, and he taught Jack how to operate capital. In order to take revenge, Jack decided to take risks, but the reversal of feelings made him unexpected.

Http://site.douban.com/108127/ Wall Street: money never Sleeps Douban Station in 2001, the former dominating Wall Street Gordon (Michael Douglas Michael Douglas) was released from prison, no one came to pick up, and his daughter Winnie (Kerry Mulligan Carey Mulligan), who had not been seen in 8 years, was in the same boat with him. However, her boyfriend, stock trader Jack (Thea LaBeouf Shia LaBeouf), admires him a little. Jack is keen on clean energy projects, but his boss and mentor, Louis, advised him to stop as soon as possible and gave him some money. Unexpectedly, James of the investment bank took the opportunity to buy the company, which was heavily in debt because of negative news. Louis was forced to commit suicide on the tracks. Jack is determined to avenge his mentor. He introduced himself to Gordon, hoping to get his advice. Gordon learned about his relationship with Winnie and made a deal: Jack gave him access to his daughter, and he taught Jack how to operate capital. In order to take revenge, Jack decided to take risks, but the reversal of feelings made him unexpected.

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