We Are Little Zombies

We Are Little Zombies (2019)

2h | Plot, Musical | Japan

The cutting-edge Japanese director has long won the Special Award of the Global feature Film jury of the Japanese Dance Film Festival and the first feature film specifically mentioned by the Youth jury of the New Generation Unit of the Berlin Film Festival, "my parents are dead, but I don't want to cry." it describes four teenagers who are unable to shed sincere tears in the face of their parents' death. Like cold-blooded corpses, they decided to form an orchestra and embark on a long march in search of blood and tears. The film simulates the interesting mode of RPG games, allowing the audience and characters to work together to break through. In addition to the wonderful performance of the younger generation of actors, but also attracted Nagase Masahiko Nagase, Kikuji Keiko, Ikematsu Zhuangliang, and Sasaki Miyosuke a number of movie emperors, interpreting the representative spirit of different generations.

The cutting-edge Japanese director has long won the Special Award of the Global feature Film jury of the Japanese Dance Film Festival and the first feature film specifically mentioned by the Youth jury of the New Generation Unit of the Berlin Film Festival, "my parents are dead, but I don't want to cry." it describes four teenagers who are unable to shed sincere tears in the face of their parents' death. Like cold-blooded corpses, they decided to form an orchestra and embark on a long march in search of blood and tears. The film simulates the interesting mode of RPG games, allowing the audience and characters to work together to break through. In addition to the wonderful performance of the younger generation of actors, but also attracted Nagase Masahiko Nagase, Kikuji Keiko, Ikematsu Zhuangliang, and Sasaki Miyosuke a number of movie emperors, interpreting the representative spirit of different generations.

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