Winter on Fire

Winter on Fire (2015)

1h 42m | Documentary | UK

The 2015 Toronto International Film Festival documentary Unit audience Choice Award, and the 2016 Oscar nomination for Best documentary feature Film tells the story of a series of political changes in Ukraine from 2013 to 2014. In 2013, the Ukrainian government suspended cooperation with the European Union and announced that it would strengthen economic ties with Russia, which was opposed by pro-European groups at home. People took to the streets to protest, but the Ukrainian government dispatched the "Golden Eagle" special police force to violently disperse the protesters, which officially ignited the Ukrainian crisis. Since the end of 2014, the political situation in Ukraine has continued to be unstable, including the impeachment of the former president and the referendum in Crimea.

The 2015 Toronto International Film Festival documentary Unit audience Choice Award, and the 2016 Oscar nomination for Best documentary feature Film tells the story of a series of political changes in Ukraine from 2013 to 2014. In 2013, the Ukrainian government suspended cooperation with the European Union and announced that it would strengthen economic ties with Russia, which was opposed by pro-European groups at home. People took to the streets to protest, but the Ukrainian government dispatched the "Golden Eagle" special police force to violently disperse the protesters, which officially ignited the Ukrainian crisis. Since the end of 2014, the political situation in Ukraine has continued to be unstable, including the impeachment of the former president and the referendum in Crimea.